Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Metamorphosis Animation

The project we had to do was to create in animation. Now it was not just a regular animation. It was a story a movie, and in the movie we had to have constant change. That is why the project is called "Metamorphosis Animation" meaning changing animation. A requirement was to use three different types of animations throughout the animation. Weather it was a person changing into a rock or even a girl changing clothes. We also had to create a soundtrack in GarageBand to really bring our animation to life.

Our story was called "Kim Changes Dreams". We used three types of animations throughout the animation, Stop-motion, Claymation, and photoshop. Our movie had 6 different scenes. The first scene was Kim going to sleep, Falling, Candy Land, Video Game, Dr. Sherman's lab, and Kim waking up. Our plot was Kim falls asleep in class and starts dreaming. She has a nightmare so she changes her dreams with a remote. Kim has another nightmare but her remote is broken so she has to teleport through a portal.

The beginning of the animation is Kim is in Teacher Peabody’s boring class. She starts to fall asleep and she starts to have a nightmare where she is falling into a pool of sharks. A remote appears and she presses the button and her dream changes. The middle was Her dream switches to a candy land where evil gummy bears come to attack her so she uses the remote to switch her dream and it is a video game scene. She switches her dream again. Finally the ending was The next place where Kim is transported is an evil doctor’s lab. She sees all of the things Dr. Sherman is doing and his Shermanators attack her but her remote is broken. Kim has to defend herself because she can’t change her dream and run away. The purpose of out whole animation was At some point in time you have to face your fears and sometimes there is not an easy way out.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Words of Wisdom

Kapaa Middle School MEDIA Check us out on Vimeo!

The Elder Words of Wisdom project was very unique. We had to complete a project plan and script before doing any filming. Jaycee, Zoey, and I were wondering who really spoke to us and encouraged us. We all picked our 6th grade honors English teacher Mr. Nunn. He really gave us a great story and made our job really easy. These words of wisdom are important because they really encourage students. Also, His words of wisdom can tell you that no matter what knocks you down get back up and you can succeed.

Five tips for...

In Zoey, Jaycee, and I's G.T Media class we had to do a "Five Tips" video for a PBS kids program called "HIKI-NO". We decided to do our project on "Five tips for getting your cat to like you". We decided on this topic because mostly all of the good topics were already taken. With that being said we went for something unique. We all thought it would be cool to have a cat in our video. I think we could have gotten a little better B-Roll with maybe less camera movement. Also, on the part it says when it catches an animal actually have a dead animal haha. Lastly, the third thing we could have done better is have better Voice-overs  I noticed in the beginning I messed up and stuttered.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Practice Profile Story

The purpose of our Profile Practice story was not only to teach people about the importance of teamwork, but also how to be a team leader. We wanted to do something not just about sports. We wanted something more than just a story about soccer. My team and I wanted to dig deeper than that. So we were thinking what is behind the sports? What do you need to succeed not only in sports but in life also. Then Mr. Sanderl gave us the perfect idea, teamwork...

Zoey, Jaycee, and I had to decide who were we going to interview. It had to be within our team. We wanted it to relate back to sports and life. Since we wanted it to not only pertain to sport teams but leading like a team captain. We decided to choose me. We chose myself because soccer is my life I love playing it all day everyday. I also am a team captain on my soccer team. We saw this as a perfect opportunity.

Overall, I think this video was nearly perfect. We the story and interview was terrific. Not only the story itself but the editing took a lot of hard work and came out great. The steps taken by each team member to complete this video was great. Not only did we just do a story on teamwork. Making the video took a whole lot of teamwork.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Profile Project Progress

Zoey, Jaycee, and I interviewed a teacher at Kapa'a Middle School named Mr. Nunn. He was our 6th grade honors English teacher. Mr. Nunn is probably one of the best teachers that have ever taught me English. He made English very fun and easy to learn. That is not the only reasons why we interviewed him. We also interviewed him because he told outstanding stories. He would always tell us crazy stories about how he became a teacher and his life before teaching. That is exactly what out project is about. We interviewed Mr. Nunn in his classroom. Zoey, Jaycee, and I figured that Mr. Nunn would be the most comfortable there.
Besides the interview there is a way more technical part to it. This is including the B-roll, and Voice-Overs. B-Roll takes your video to a whole other level. The B-Roll was pretty easy to film in general. We filmed Mr. Nunn teaching his classes and talking to students. It was a little challenging considering we only went during one period to film so it is all of the same students. Also, it was very challenging to find different shots and angles to take. Not only are you focusing on what shots you have you also have to sequence, and make sure the lens are focused. Now, another technical part of the Profile Project were Voice-Overs. You have to come up with what to say without repeating what the Interviewee says. Also, you need to make sure you are putting personality into your speaking and reading fluently. It is very very hard.
Sometimes I think how can we work better as a team? We could work together better with splitting up all of the group work. Or maybe we can focus on having people put all of their ideas together. Although we did get a lot of things done together. We got our ideas on  the production done super fast. Also an argument never phased us we always ended up agreeing on everything. As an overall group I think we did awesome.

 To improve from good to great we need to make our story flow more. We also need to work on our visuals. Our B-Roll was going through to fast we need to make it longer. Also we need to make Mr. Nunn seem like he is engaged in his teaching not just slouching back. Making it go from good to great would be improving on our Audio would also need to be re done. Maybe we could have them talking slower and not rushing. Also by taking in our suggestions.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Composition Techniques

Composition Techniques are quick and easy ways for how to make your pictures/videos go from good to great! There are 14 Composition Techniques. 
Starting with the most important:

  1. Rule of Thirds
  2. Framing
  3. Unusual Angles
  4. Leading Lines
  5. Emotion
  6. Action
  7. Close up
  8. Reaction 
  9. Contrast in Content
  10. Repetition in shape
  11. Group shot
  12. Parts of a Whole
  13. Horizontal
  14. Vertical (Pictures Only)
Now we are going to talk about what the main four Composition Techniques. The main four are Rule of Thirds, Framing, Unusual Angles, and Leading Lines. First, Rule of Thirds is basically splitting your image into nine different sections. To me Rule of Thirds reminds me of drawing a Tic-Tac-Toe game across your screen. When using rule of thirds you never center the subject. It is either on the left or right of the screen, or in the upper or lower section of the screen. These are called Upper Thirds and Lower Thirds. Now, We re going to talk about Framing. Framing is Usually used to draw more attention to your subject. Framing shows more layers and adds context to your photos and videos. Sometimes what the viewers can not see is what draws them into the subject. Next, We are going to talk about Unusual Angles. They are huge attention getters. Unusual Angles add crypticness or mysteriousness to your photos. They are more interesting to the eye. Unusual Angles are going to different places and taking weird angles. Going down on the ground taking pictures of a crowd. Going up in a tree pointing down on a crowd. Unusual Angles are a definite must use. Finally Leading Lines, This is just a technique used to add interest and coolness to your photo/videos. Leading lines will take your eyes and direct them straight to your topic. All of these composition techniques will make you pictures and or videos fantastic!  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Three Shot Sequences

Three Shot Sequencing tells the story. It goes from wide to medium to close to extremely close. There should be no camera bobbing.With establishing sequencing it makes a very good story. If you watch the video it goes from wide watching me walk in. Then, it goes to medium watching the me grab the handle of the door. Then a close up of me opening the door.

Three shot sequencing is really important while filming. Three shot sequencing also compresses your video. Say you wanted to film a girl driving her car to school. Instead of watching the whole thing of her getting into the car and driving for a hour or two you could use three shot sequencing. Take wide shot of her getting into the car then maybe while she is driving get a medium shot of her in the car maybe from even in the back seat. Finally as she is parking her car at school you could get a close up of her hands. You just showed her getting in the car at home, driving, and then turning off her car at school. That is why we use Three Shot Sequencing.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

When I first was teamed up with Zoey and Jaycee I knew we were going to make an awesome video. We had a hard time deciding what we were going to do with the video. At first, we were going to do Kaylee plays soccer. It was already taken though! Then, we were brainstorming our ideas trying to come up with a cool video. Zoey recommended "We should do Kaylee loves sports!". Although, Mr. Sanderl though outside the box he recommended that we do teamwork. Finally, we decided to go with that topic and make a video about teamwork.

After figuring out what we were going to do we started writing our transcript. We were coming up with questions to interview me with. Once we had all of that done it was time to interview. Using to new lavalier microphone and new camera we were able to shoot and awesome interview. Then, we imported the interview on to final cut pro. So far this is going great everyone is getting along, there have been no problems. Next, using headphones we listened to the interview and typed it on to our transcript in google docs. Finally, after that was done we could move on to shooting B-roll. We got a lot of shots of us working together and playing soccer. I talked a lot about soccer in the interview. Shooting the B-roll did not take very long in about two class periods it was done.

Finally, it was time to have a massive editing session. We started editing it final cut pro cutting certain things out of the interview and adding other parts too. Once the interview was done being edited it was time for B-roll. We started editing the B-roll and putting it together with the interview. It was coming along great and we had no problem working together! After finishing the interview and B-roll we needed a  narrator to make the story really connect. Jaycee then started talking into the microphone on the computer and narrated the story. We then did the same exact thing as everything else. We started editing the narration. Finally we put that into our story and it was terrific. The video was really good! Zoey, Jaycee, and I made a really great team. We worked together using teamwork had no arguments, and got things done super fast. This was a really great team.

What could we do better? Honestly I don't know what we could do better. A lot of our things were in an advanced category. Maybe next time we can get clearer audio with less wind. Also, we could make our story have a little more flow and make a lot of sense. Our visuals were pretty good maybe we can get even more visuals. I think audio was basically the most we need to work on. Overall, The video was fantastic the team was fantastic we did an amazing job.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Polar Panoramas

Steps to a Polar Panorama

These are my Polar Panoramas that I created in my 2nd period G.T. media class! Want to know how to make them? First you need find a great place, and take 10-15 vertical images overlapping 10-15% to get a larger image and get sky and ground. Then, using Adobe bridge you can edit your pictures making them go from good to great! Next, Go into photoshop go to automate pick your pictures and click PhotoMerge, the images should now look like a panorama. Stretch the height of the image so that the image is a perfect square. Also rotate the image 180 degrees and apply the Polar filter to make the image wrap around into a sphere. Finally, Rotate the planet the way you like it, and Adjust the contrast and colors clean up the sky and the edges where the left and right border of the image came together.

Panoramic World Terms:
Composite- A thing made up of several parts like two or more pictures combined to make one picture.
Polar- When a picture is wrapper around to make thee North and South pole meet making it in shape of the world.
Spherical - A picture that is round and shaped in a sphere
Panorama- The whole view of the observers surroundings

Open your Photo in Photoshop and Select the Quick Selection Tool or press W on your keyboard. Then, start selecting the parts of the image you want to keep, you can make the tool smaller by pressing the right bracket ] or bigger hitting the left bracket [. Once you select everything you want hit the minus button to take away those little in between spaces you can then press shift+command+1 which will deselect your main subject and select everything around it. Finally, hit the little circle colored half white half black at the bottom of your layer palette which is the layer adjustment tool hit Hue and Saturation then adjust your color of your background for a great pic!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Spherical Panoramas

These are two of my Spherical Panoramas that I created! We had to Take 2 sets of 10-15 images of our surroundings going 360 degrees around. We had to over lap by a certain amount which was 10-15%. Then we edited the images in Adobe Camera Raw, and put them together using Photoshop's PhotoMerge plugin.
Next, Go into Photoshop and open your 360 finished panorama. You need to stretch the height of the image so that the image is a perfect square. Apply the Polar filter to make the image wrap around into a sphere. Sometimes there will be a line to show where it joins. To get ride of the line use the stamp or smudge tool to try and get rid of it. If you can still kind of see it rotate the planet the way you like it or to make the line on the bottom.Adjust the contrast and colors and add a background and there you have it!Your very own Spherical Polar panel.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

All about me!

What's up? Want to know a little more about me? Well here you go!

My name is Kaylee, I would describe myself as wacky, weird, funny, and a clown. When I am not playing sports I am usually goofing off. I love animals especially dogs. At my house I have 5 dogs, 3 love birds, 1 cat, and 3 fishes. My dad's dog is trained in protection and bite work. My mom's dog is trained in search and rescue so is mine, Cool right? My most favorite sport is soccer. I use to play on three teams. I was on two girl teams and one boys team. I have been playing ever since I was little.

Hobbies Hmm... I don't really have much hobbies. I play soccer and usually like to go fishing. What I like to do? I love to make people happy no matter what it takes. I believe that you should smile no matter how hard or how bad life is. Another really cool saying I have heard about is A day without laughter is a day wasted. With me I am always laughing and smiling. Most of my family members say there is never a dull moment with me around. I love hearing that!

People might be wondering What would this goofball (me) want to do when I grow up? When I grow up I want to get a job with google. I want to have a job with computers because I seem to be very good with computers. If that fails I want to become a teacher. I want to be a P.E. teacher for elementary students. I seem to be very good wit younger children. Also I would make a terrific teacher because I love helping people.

Final Photomontages

Here are my two finished photomontages that were inspired by the famous photographer David Hockey, who first created what he called "Joiners". I used a digital camera to take multiple pictures of an inspiring location. Then I used Adobe Camera Raw to batch-edit all of my pictures. Next I used Photoshop to stack, twist, and turn all of my photos into one awesome picture!

David Hockney is an English Painter, Stage designer, Draughtsman, Printmaker, and Photographer. He was an important contributor to the Pop art movement  in the 1960’s. He is a 76 year old and lives in England. Joiners are what David Hockney called photo collages in the 1980s. This Piece is called The Desk by David Hockney made on July 1st, 1984. The Desk is also an example of  cubism.  David Hockney also produced Photomontages.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Magazine Cover

This is my Magazine cover that I created in my period 2 GT class. During fall of 2013 at Kapa'a Middle School. The cover describes who I am and how I love soccer. It also has many layers which can be created in Photoshop. It was really fun creating the magazine cover because it is all about you! Creating the magazine cover gave you a chance to be unique, do what ever you want with it, and stand out.