Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Practice Profile Story

The purpose of our Profile Practice story was not only to teach people about the importance of teamwork, but also how to be a team leader. We wanted to do something not just about sports. We wanted something more than just a story about soccer. My team and I wanted to dig deeper than that. So we were thinking what is behind the sports? What do you need to succeed not only in sports but in life also. Then Mr. Sanderl gave us the perfect idea, teamwork...

Zoey, Jaycee, and I had to decide who were we going to interview. It had to be within our team. We wanted it to relate back to sports and life. Since we wanted it to not only pertain to sport teams but leading like a team captain. We decided to choose me. We chose myself because soccer is my life I love playing it all day everyday. I also am a team captain on my soccer team. We saw this as a perfect opportunity.

Overall, I think this video was nearly perfect. We the story and interview was terrific. Not only the story itself but the editing took a lot of hard work and came out great. The steps taken by each team member to complete this video was great. Not only did we just do a story on teamwork. Making the video took a whole lot of teamwork.


  1. HI Kaylee, your blog is really cool. Im glad I got to see you over break (even if it was just cause of soccer)
    You are really funny and cool
