Monday, March 10, 2014

Profile Project Progress

Zoey, Jaycee, and I interviewed a teacher at Kapa'a Middle School named Mr. Nunn. He was our 6th grade honors English teacher. Mr. Nunn is probably one of the best teachers that have ever taught me English. He made English very fun and easy to learn. That is not the only reasons why we interviewed him. We also interviewed him because he told outstanding stories. He would always tell us crazy stories about how he became a teacher and his life before teaching. That is exactly what out project is about. We interviewed Mr. Nunn in his classroom. Zoey, Jaycee, and I figured that Mr. Nunn would be the most comfortable there.
Besides the interview there is a way more technical part to it. This is including the B-roll, and Voice-Overs. B-Roll takes your video to a whole other level. The B-Roll was pretty easy to film in general. We filmed Mr. Nunn teaching his classes and talking to students. It was a little challenging considering we only went during one period to film so it is all of the same students. Also, it was very challenging to find different shots and angles to take. Not only are you focusing on what shots you have you also have to sequence, and make sure the lens are focused. Now, another technical part of the Profile Project were Voice-Overs. You have to come up with what to say without repeating what the Interviewee says. Also, you need to make sure you are putting personality into your speaking and reading fluently. It is very very hard.
Sometimes I think how can we work better as a team? We could work together better with splitting up all of the group work. Or maybe we can focus on having people put all of their ideas together. Although we did get a lot of things done together. We got our ideas on  the production done super fast. Also an argument never phased us we always ended up agreeing on everything. As an overall group I think we did awesome.

 To improve from good to great we need to make our story flow more. We also need to work on our visuals. Our B-Roll was going through to fast we need to make it longer. Also we need to make Mr. Nunn seem like he is engaged in his teaching not just slouching back. Making it go from good to great would be improving on our Audio would also need to be re done. Maybe we could have them talking slower and not rushing. Also by taking in our suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. I like your font and font color and the background picture.
