Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Three Shot Sequences

Three Shot Sequencing tells the story. It goes from wide to medium to close to extremely close. There should be no camera bobbing.With establishing sequencing it makes a very good story. If you watch the video it goes from wide watching me walk in. Then, it goes to medium watching the me grab the handle of the door. Then a close up of me opening the door.

Three shot sequencing is really important while filming. Three shot sequencing also compresses your video. Say you wanted to film a girl driving her car to school. Instead of watching the whole thing of her getting into the car and driving for a hour or two you could use three shot sequencing. Take wide shot of her getting into the car then maybe while she is driving get a medium shot of her in the car maybe from even in the back seat. Finally as she is parking her car at school you could get a close up of her hands. You just showed her getting in the car at home, driving, and then turning off her car at school. That is why we use Three Shot Sequencing.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kaylee Overmyer! I think your blog posts are awesome and very detailed, haha!!! Baii
