Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Composition Techniques

Composition Techniques are quick and easy ways for how to make your pictures/videos go from good to great! There are 14 Composition Techniques. 
Starting with the most important:

  1. Rule of Thirds
  2. Framing
  3. Unusual Angles
  4. Leading Lines
  5. Emotion
  6. Action
  7. Close up
  8. Reaction 
  9. Contrast in Content
  10. Repetition in shape
  11. Group shot
  12. Parts of a Whole
  13. Horizontal
  14. Vertical (Pictures Only)
Now we are going to talk about what the main four Composition Techniques. The main four are Rule of Thirds, Framing, Unusual Angles, and Leading Lines. First, Rule of Thirds is basically splitting your image into nine different sections. To me Rule of Thirds reminds me of drawing a Tic-Tac-Toe game across your screen. When using rule of thirds you never center the subject. It is either on the left or right of the screen, or in the upper or lower section of the screen. These are called Upper Thirds and Lower Thirds. Now, We re going to talk about Framing. Framing is Usually used to draw more attention to your subject. Framing shows more layers and adds context to your photos and videos. Sometimes what the viewers can not see is what draws them into the subject. Next, We are going to talk about Unusual Angles. They are huge attention getters. Unusual Angles add crypticness or mysteriousness to your photos. They are more interesting to the eye. Unusual Angles are going to different places and taking weird angles. Going down on the ground taking pictures of a crowd. Going up in a tree pointing down on a crowd. Unusual Angles are a definite must use. Finally Leading Lines, This is just a technique used to add interest and coolness to your photo/videos. Leading lines will take your eyes and direct them straight to your topic. All of these composition techniques will make you pictures and or videos fantastic!  

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Three Shot Sequences

Three Shot Sequencing tells the story. It goes from wide to medium to close to extremely close. There should be no camera bobbing.With establishing sequencing it makes a very good story. If you watch the video it goes from wide watching me walk in. Then, it goes to medium watching the me grab the handle of the door. Then a close up of me opening the door.

Three shot sequencing is really important while filming. Three shot sequencing also compresses your video. Say you wanted to film a girl driving her car to school. Instead of watching the whole thing of her getting into the car and driving for a hour or two you could use three shot sequencing. Take wide shot of her getting into the car then maybe while she is driving get a medium shot of her in the car maybe from even in the back seat. Finally as she is parking her car at school you could get a close up of her hands. You just showed her getting in the car at home, driving, and then turning off her car at school. That is why we use Three Shot Sequencing.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

When I first was teamed up with Zoey and Jaycee I knew we were going to make an awesome video. We had a hard time deciding what we were going to do with the video. At first, we were going to do Kaylee plays soccer. It was already taken though! Then, we were brainstorming our ideas trying to come up with a cool video. Zoey recommended "We should do Kaylee loves sports!". Although, Mr. Sanderl though outside the box he recommended that we do teamwork. Finally, we decided to go with that topic and make a video about teamwork.

After figuring out what we were going to do we started writing our transcript. We were coming up with questions to interview me with. Once we had all of that done it was time to interview. Using to new lavalier microphone and new camera we were able to shoot and awesome interview. Then, we imported the interview on to final cut pro. So far this is going great everyone is getting along, there have been no problems. Next, using headphones we listened to the interview and typed it on to our transcript in google docs. Finally, after that was done we could move on to shooting B-roll. We got a lot of shots of us working together and playing soccer. I talked a lot about soccer in the interview. Shooting the B-roll did not take very long in about two class periods it was done.

Finally, it was time to have a massive editing session. We started editing it final cut pro cutting certain things out of the interview and adding other parts too. Once the interview was done being edited it was time for B-roll. We started editing the B-roll and putting it together with the interview. It was coming along great and we had no problem working together! After finishing the interview and B-roll we needed a  narrator to make the story really connect. Jaycee then started talking into the microphone on the computer and narrated the story. We then did the same exact thing as everything else. We started editing the narration. Finally we put that into our story and it was terrific. The video was really good! Zoey, Jaycee, and I made a really great team. We worked together using teamwork had no arguments, and got things done super fast. This was a really great team.

What could we do better? Honestly I don't know what we could do better. A lot of our things were in an advanced category. Maybe next time we can get clearer audio with less wind. Also, we could make our story have a little more flow and make a lot of sense. Our visuals were pretty good maybe we can get even more visuals. I think audio was basically the most we need to work on. Overall, The video was fantastic the team was fantastic we did an amazing job.